Information For Authors

Note to Authors

The EKSU Journal of Language, Literature, and Culture accepts submissions from all nations. When submitting a manuscript for consideration, authors are required to follow a few fundamental guidelines. They are intended to enable our reviewers to work on the manuscripts with as few complications as possible.

There is no maximum length for articles, but submissions exceeding 30 pages (including footnotes and references) are discouraged. The manuscripts are sent for review with the author(s)' names removed.


A 200-word abstract and a list of four to eight keywords should promptly follow the title. Authors have rights to their own research and creations, and their works are acknowledged as their own accomplishments. After submitting an article to the Journal, the authors will be required to transfer copyright to the publisher. The copyright protects the exclusive right to reproduce and distribute the article, including reprints,  microfilm, photographic reproductions, and all other reproductions of a similar nature, as well as translations. Authors will be required to sign a Copyright Transfer Agreement (CTA) and Author Information & Declaration when submitting a manuscript.


Names of the Authors

  1. When there are three or more authors, the corresponding author's name should come first, followed by the names of the other authors in that order.
  2. The names of the authors should be printed out in their whole, not only as initials.


1. Authors should use the following section numbers for headings: 1, 1.1., 1.1.1.,… 2, 2.1., 2.1.1..…

  1. Section numbers should start with 1 (not 0).
  2. Authors should include titles for sections and subsections, following the capitalization conventions for English listed in The Chicago Manual of Style. Type the numbers and titles in roman type.


  1. All body-text annotations should be numbered sequentially throughout the manuscript.
  2. Each footnote should be referenced in the text with a raised numeral following the relevant passage, without parenthesis.
  3. Authors should type annotations for all in-text notes.
  4. Authors should place acknowledgement footnotes at the conclusion of the paper's title, followed by an asterisk.
  5. Each footnote should commence with a raised reference number (no punctuation required).


Abbreviations should be defined the first time they are used.

Translations and Glosses of Examples

Non-English examples must be translated or glossed accordingly. Occasionally, both a translation and a word-by-word or morpheme-by-morpheme annotation are necessary.

  1. Authors should place the translation or gloss of an example sentence or phrase on a new line below the example.
  2. Authors should align word-for-word or morpheme-by-morpheme glosses of example phrases or sentences with the beginning of each original word.
  3. Authors should observe the following conventions in morpheme-by-morpheme glosses:

3.1. Place a hyphen between morphemes in the gloss.

Adé    pa    eku  méjì

Ade kill-pst rat  two

‘Ade killed two rats’

  • Abbreviate glosses for grammatical categories and list the abbreviations in a note.


In-text Citation

  1. In the text, a reference designated by an author's name should be followed by the reference's date in parenthesis and, where applicable, page number(s).
  2. Only the first author's name should be stated when there are more than three authors, and it should be followed by the notation "et al."
  3. In the event that a referenced author has two or more works published in the same year, the reference, both in the text and in the reference list, should be marked by a lowercase letter such as 'a' or 'b' following the date to identify the works. This should be done to ensure that the works are not confused with one another. E.g.

Abiodun (2022:40)
John & Joseph (2016)
Owoyele et al. (2023)
Akanbi (2021a, 2021b)



The bibliography should be included at the end of the manuscript under the heading References. Moreover, authors must observe the following guidelines:

  1. Arrange the entries in alphabetical order based on the authors' last names.
  2. All multiple works by the same author should be listed in ascending chronological order.
  3. To differentiate multiple publications by a single author within the same year, it is recommended to use suffix letters such as a, b, c, and so on.
  4. Ensure that each entry includes the following components in the specified order:

(First) surname and initial(s) of the author. The publication's year. Title and subtitle of the entire work. For a journal article, include the journal's complete title, volume and issue numbers, and page numbers for the entire article. For a chapter in a book: In [initials and last names of editor(s)] (eds. ), book title, including page numbers. For books, the edition, volume or part number, and series title, if applicable. Publisher is the publication's location.

Tables and Figures

  1. Tables must include a number and title.


  1. Column headings should be centred, column entries should be centred or aligned to the left, and numeral entries should be aligned to the right.



  1. The author is responsible for providing camera-ready versions of all figures. Figures should be accompanied by a list of figure numbers and captions typed separately.